Fabulous Friday Sugarcoat giveaway

Sunday, February 5, 2012

right now i am…

watching: episodes from last weeks young and the restless. my favorite soapie!
eating:  just finished breakfast. eggs with bacon and lots of coffee. made by the hubby. 
drinking:  mucho cafe!
wearing: basic long sleeve tee, jeans, and jack purcell's. super comfy :)

avoiding: nothing really. the house is del kept. laundry is up to date. work is getting done. 
feeling:  like SuperWoman! I had the best night's sleep. 
missing: nothing. 
thankful: for today. and thankful to have woken up in my hubby's arms. 
weather: COLD! and wet. and perfect for indoor snuggling. 
praying: morning and night, just like my facial cleansing routine! 
needing: a haircut. and some color because i'm not liking the gray hairs. the hubby loves it. what a strange man he is ;)
thinking: and then writing down all my thoughts. is it bad to drive around with my journal on my lap and a pen in my hair? 
looking forward to: movie date night with my BFF. we're going to see The Vow. movie date nights with her are the BEST. we buy almost the whole menu and we eat, laugh, cry, get spooked. she knows my scary movie routines and isn't embarrassed when i put my sweater over my head and take off my eyeglasses so i can't see the movie screen. so this Vino Viernes I will be indulging on popcorn and pickles with my BFF :) so, The Vow. we both love Channing Tatum. i'll have to take some kleenex, maybe 2 boxes because the BFF is PG and i know there will be lots of crying and eating. mucho FUN!
loving: my husband more and more each day. i can't let go somedays. i just want to hold on to him and never let go. he thinks i'm silly but deep inside i know he feels comfort and very loved.

so, that's what happening right now! 
what are you up to right now?

much love,

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