Fabulous Friday Sugarcoat giveaway

Monday, May 23, 2011

new design

Hello friends!

Like the new blog design? I think it's lovely and it says a lot about me. I love all the bright colors. Now, based on this design I will choose the new paint color for the studio. There are so many pretty colors out there, choosing one will be very hard.

Notice the new title! paper passion & Blossom. I will be posting projects based out of both businesses, as well as some personal life stuff; hope you dont mind!

Abby's party planning is under control. Things are running smoothly. This is her 6th birthday so I'm not going all out as I have done in the past but there will be a celebration because well she's my life. But as soon as this party is over and done wtih I will be working mighty hard in the studio creating some new projects.

The girls didn't receive a letter from their Papa last week so we're hoping we get something this week ;)

Monday, May 9, 2011

5 things I love about being a MOM

and in no particluar order...

1. the laughs, silly conversations, the fighting & reminding them to forgive each other, the singing (so loud in the car & while were cooking to everything from The Bangles, Taylor Swift, Frank Sinatra, George Strait, Justin Beiber, Pat Benatar).

2. the clothes, the fashion, all the pink, the jewelry, hair accessories, mani/pedi's together ;) and the fact they love to shop and do all that fun stuff with me

3. all the kisses, hugs, i love you's, i'm sorry mom, please mom, i want this mom...and MOM gives in!

4. thinking that i didn't know motherhood would be so much FUN, always :)

5. knowing that no matter what, if i fail at other things, i've got the 2 BEST accomplishments i have ever made.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

letters from grandpa (a weekly series)

this has nothing to do with paper but it's my blog so i'll write want i want!

every week, for about a month already, my daughters have been receiving letters from their grandpa who lives about 200 miles away from his monkeys ( we all call them that). he prints out a picture and writes about how that picture reminds him of each one. its truly a great feeling. he is really a great Grandpa/Father! today he told me he was very proud of me but more than that he was happy for me. i started crying like a baby AT WORK!

here are this weeks letters!

hope you have enjoyed!

paper passion, super busy!!! i'll post about that at a later time.
