Fabulous Friday Sugarcoat giveaway

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

promises, promises...

I recently made a promise to myself. i never do that. and i'm not even sure why i made this particular promise. here it is. FOR 6 MONTHS, FROM MID JANUARY TO MID JUNE, I AM NOT GOING TO PURCHASE ANYTHING FOR MYSELF. by nothing, i mean clothes, shoes, purses. i have a weakness for shopping for these 3. what i have allowed to buy myself is makeup and hair products. i mean if i'm gonna be wearing the same thing over and over, at least my hair and makeup are gonna look good. the last purse i purchased cost me $700 a pretty penny, the last pair of shoes i bought occurred in december, and well the last item of clothing i bought was back in december. so, i'm pretty proud of myself. i didn't think i could do it but actually it's not that hard. i know there are sales everywhere but quickly i remind myself that i can't and really there's no need to because i have a closet full of clothes, shoes, and handbags. but believe me, when mid-june comes around i already know what hangbad i want. and like i said there's really no point to this promise. it's not like im saving for anything in particular. i figured if ever the say came that i HAD to do this, it would be a piece of cake.

ok, so i also allowed myself to make purchases for my crafting. and so i have bought something new and i want to share.
i got it thru amazon because it was no where to be found in laredo. this tool can pretty much do one thing but it's fun to use. and i recently learned that the best way to sharpen a hole punch is to use aluminum foil. so guess what i did sunday. yup, i sharpened all my punches. that took a while.

we are in the process of prepping to sell our home so if i dont blog much its because im busy packing and making the house as clutter-free as possible. but i PROMISE to not ignore my blog. i promise to post everyday as much as i can.


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

these are a few of my favorite things...

when the dog bites, when the bee stings, when i'm feeling sad. i simply remember my favorite things and then i don't feel so bad.

Imagine. the excitement, the thrill that came over me when i saw this super funky glue gun. bought it of course, and at full price. came home put it in the basket with all my boring glue guns and quickly it kicked my boring glue guns' behinds.

another one of my favorite things, decor! and for v-day i don't go all out but i do like to add some pink and red touches here and there.

i see my coffemaker in the background and say to myself, "man, you are a lifesaver"

now on to my absolute favorite thing(s) that i recently discovered that i vowed to always be faithful to.


i'm serious when i said faithful. i vowed to never even browse another make-up counter for foundation. SMASHBOX!!!! where have you been all my life? bareminerals, who, what? i love you SMASHBOX foundation and halo and primers and photo op brighteners. i swear the creators of this AMAZING brand are getting all my love and attention. thank goodness for pout cosmetics here in laredo. they are pros at using all these magical products.

and i can go on forever...

and lastly, one mf my favorite things will be The Sound of Music, the movie. no other musical like it. i wanted to marry the captain and i still do.

when the dog bites,

Friday, January 14, 2011

v-day crafting

good evening to all who took time from their hectic lives to visit me!

over 500 page views, AMAZING! hopefully i have inspired you to bring out the creativity in you. we all have it, you just need to dig deep!!! it's just like i would ALWAYS tell my students "you are no different than the north side kids. you all have the same size brain. they just know how to use it". so go out there, research, what is it that you can do be more creative. i dare you to try it.

Sel, what are you doing? i'm glad you asked. working on my v-day wreath. i like to decorate our home based on seasons, holidays, days of the week
, and so now it's time to bring out the red and pink. my husband hates this decor. it just reminds him that he needs to go out and shop AGAIN! can you belive several days after Christmas he already had my v-day wishlist. of course he rolls his eyes and moans and groans but i usually get what i want if not the nagging continues for several months. Mostly it's always me saying "FOLLOW THE LIST". he truly is special. a great catch. honestly, how does he put up with me?

and on that note, don't forget v-day is coming up! what will you buy or make for that special someone? my david will be indulging on homemade brownies, among several other thing.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

wordless wednesday...

this pic screams FUN but it's also worth a thousand words. for my best friend, this pic means her son has turned 1 and she is so proud. turning 1 is a BIG deal. and in her case, it meant the world.

i attended this party and had a great time with my family and friends. the only bad thing about that party was that i literally gained a couple of lbs. there was so much candy, food, drinks!!! but hey, he only turns 1 once so why not, i thought...LOL

blog name re-vamp

yes, i changed my blog address for several reasons but the main reason is for privacy. no longer will be posting on my family. i love my family but turns out there are people out there who i wish they not know stuff about us.

so, my "new" blog will solely be about me and my crazy, somewhat normal life.

that's all that needs to be said about that.

now on to the FUN stuff. or at least i think it's fun.

i FINALLY found the brownie recipe i had been searching for. it took me a while but it was worth it beacuse i ran across so many other fattening interesting recipes for salty and sweet snack. but BIG thanks to bargainhoot.com for posting southern living's top 60 best loved cookie recipes. of course i had to get my recipe from there. the brownie recipe shall be tested a bit before V-DAY, and if all goes well my hubby will receive homemade brownies, i'm planning to forget he's on this "diet".

also, happening soon: CRAFT ROOM REMODEL
ahh, i can't wait. i went out to chose paint colors last week. currently, the room is very un-organzied, at least by my standards. thanks to IKEA, i am gathering design and organization ideas. IKEA has low shipping so 2 of my big purchases will come from there. oh, how i wish laredo had an IKEA. i'd definitely be in debt but very well organized.

off to do some much needed crafting,

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

wordless wednesday...

in the blog world, there is such a thing called "wordless wednesday". what is that, you might be asking? well i post a pic and basically the pic speaks for itself.

i think this pic speaks way too much...

Christmas present to Sophie from her mama and papa.
My mom purchased this at a teacher supply store in SA. Basically you only see easel's like this at daycares or schools. And my little educator-to-be Sophie has one. She says she wants to be a teacher but I think it's because her imaginary students don't talk back to her or make her life miserable. I tell her it's not something I wish for her but of course they are allowed to become who and what they want. Mom is there for support, not to judge or disapprove.

the week is almost over. sophie is not feeling well. that means, i have to be by her side 24/7. no fun in my craft room for the next couple days :(

hasta manana,

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

on vacation. literally.

i was gone for quite a while. i was on vacation from life, reality. i was able to do so much, hardly spending time in my craft room. i was able to sleep. a lot. i was able to watch TV. play with my girls. bond with my husband. enjoy evening s with my friends. it was very badly needed, this vacation.

but i'm back.

i am starting on a clean slate. the new year is possible my favorite time of the year. i put away all christmas decor before dec.31 and start with simplicity for the new year. i'm looking forward to my trip to pier 1 to see what they have in store for spring.

currently working on 2 designs for invitations for two friends. brainstorming. one is alice in wonderland, the other dallas cowboys baby shower. both cute themes. also working on an interesting project that might take longer than i had planned for. a blank canvas is all i have at the moment. and some paper. i will post pics as my project progresses.

i am also researching for a delicious brownie recipe.

for now, life is great. clean. new year. new goals. new resolutions. loving david more and more each day because i see his greatness and his patience. man, he has some patience, my big guy. love him to pieces.
